PEMF Therapy is Safe, Effective & Drug Free and is able to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with many of the complex conditions below plus many more,
If you are stuck at home in pain and can't travel then book an appointment with our mobile home therapy service, and we will come to you! Our mobile therapy service operates within a radius of 20 miles of post code CM6, Essex. (If you live outside of our Home catchment zone don't worry contact us for prices.)
Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Back & Neck Pains, Knee Joints & Damaged Cartilage, Injured Ligaments & Muscles, Migraines, Carpel tunnel, Increasing Bone density, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, High blood pressure, and will help with insomnia and improving the quality of Sleep.
Home appointments include ;
Personal Health Consultation
Personalised PEMF Therapy Treatment Sessions
Cost £50 or
Three sessions for
£140 (25 Miles radius of CM6)
To book an appointment
Call 07889 075 039 or
email [email protected]
If you are stuck at home in pain and can't travel then book an appointment with our mobile home therapy service, and we will come to you! Our mobile therapy service operates within a radius of 20 miles of post code CM6, Essex. (If you live outside of our Home catchment zone don't worry contact us for prices.)
Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Back & Neck Pains, Knee Joints & Damaged Cartilage, Injured Ligaments & Muscles, Migraines, Carpel tunnel, Increasing Bone density, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, High blood pressure, and will help with insomnia and improving the quality of Sleep.
Home appointments include ;
Personal Health Consultation
Personalised PEMF Therapy Treatment Sessions
Cost £50 or
Three sessions for
£140 (25 Miles radius of CM6)
To book an appointment
Call 07889 075 039 or
email [email protected]