Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is used to achieve accelerated pain reduction and the healing of soft tissue. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy works at the cellular level to help our bodies heal itself. Our bodies contain trillions of cells that all require an electrical charge to function correctly. Cells cannot be viable if there is no electrical potential left in them. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy stimulates and rejuvenates the body’s cells. Working at a cellular level, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy improves the blood supply to vital organs by dilating archeries and other vessels improving blood circulation in the body. Cells that are properly oxygenated are able to better detoxify, regenerate and reproduce themselves. The increased oxygenation of blood cells helps injured tissues to regenerate and heal faster. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy also boosts the immune system enabling it to better defend against infection and inflammation.
Over many decades PEMF therapy has been proven to be highly effective in normalising body systems and promoting conditions within the body required for sustained health. PEMF therapy promotes the fusion of damaged bone material, whilst also increasing bone density by up to 20% within 6 months, with a massive 25% increase in bone density having been recorded by NASA during their clinical evaluations of exposing bone material to VLF (Very low frequency) magnetic pulses. PEMF therapy has been proven to be a highly effective for treating Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis. (research, NICE studies).
Over many decades PEMF therapy has been proven to be highly effective in normalising body systems and promoting conditions within the body required for sustained health. PEMF therapy promotes the fusion of damaged bone material, whilst also increasing bone density by up to 20% within 6 months, with a massive 25% increase in bone density having been recorded by NASA during their clinical evaluations of exposing bone material to VLF (Very low frequency) magnetic pulses. PEMF therapy has been proven to be a highly effective for treating Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis. (research, NICE studies).
Pain Management is one of the most common applications for PEMF Therapy
The human body consists of around 100 trillion living cells. These cells have an electrical potential around them. PEMF devices generate a pulsed magnetic field that penetrates deep into the body and influences the electrical potential of cells within the body, stimulating them to become active in order to bring about health benefits. Benefits include the rapid reduction of chronic pain and the accelerated healing of damaged tissues.
The human body consists of around 100 trillion living cells. These cells have an electrical potential around them. PEMF devices generate a pulsed magnetic field that penetrates deep into the body and influences the electrical potential of cells within the body, stimulating them to become active in order to bring about health benefits. Benefits include the rapid reduction of chronic pain and the accelerated healing of damaged tissues.
Sleep Insomnia affects 1 in 3 people in the UK and can significantly affect health and mental function.
Low frequency PEMFs have been proven to be very therapeutic when used to treat conditions such as Insomnia. The wider benefits of PEMF include, Lowing blood pressure, reducing stress levels and reduced pain and inflammation levels in the body.
Low frequency PEMFs have been proven to be very therapeutic when used to treat conditions such as Insomnia. The wider benefits of PEMF include, Lowing blood pressure, reducing stress levels and reduced pain and inflammation levels in the body.
Mental Health
A recent NHS survey of Mental Health confirmed that 20% of people in the UK had a common mental disorder. Regular Pulsed Magnetic Therapy sessions can improve concentration and mental wellbeing. The evidence is that PEMFs actually change the activity of alpha waves in the brain often reducing peoples depression and anxiety levels.
A recent NHS survey of Mental Health confirmed that 20% of people in the UK had a common mental disorder. Regular Pulsed Magnetic Therapy sessions can improve concentration and mental wellbeing. The evidence is that PEMFs actually change the activity of alpha waves in the brain often reducing peoples depression and anxiety levels.
Insufficient time spent relaxing often leads to stress-related illnesses
Pulsed Magnetic Therapy induces deep relaxation and compliments traditional techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation. Low frequency Theta-Waves (4-8 Hz) have been shown to be particularly useful for promoting a state of deep meditation and inducing sleep.
Insufficient time spent relaxing often leads to stress-related illnesses
Pulsed Magnetic Therapy induces deep relaxation and compliments traditional techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation. Low frequency Theta-Waves (4-8 Hz) have been shown to be particularly useful for promoting a state of deep meditation and inducing sleep.